Saturday, October 20, 2012


Do you remember the scene in Forrest Gump when he, as a boy, began to run and ran right out of his leg braces?  Well, this wasn't that dramatic, but it did bring it to mind.  I have been dealing with a knee problem, which the Doc suspected was a torn meniscus. (I'm not convinced, and didn't opt for x-rays, as it wasn't something catastrophic.)  Anyway, for the past 6 weeks or so, I was relegated to the dreaded elliptical trainer (which I hate!).  I've recently begun running again, and have used a neoprene knee wrap (more of a security blanket than anything, I think).

     Well, today, about 1 mile into my run, I just reached down and yanked it off, tossed it and kept running.  I figured "I'll pick it up on the return".  My knee hasn't felt this good in weeks!  After getting rid of the wrap, my knee could move freely, AS IT WAS DESIGNED TO DO.

     On the return, the wrap was GONE.  I looked for it, but to no avail.  "The universe must think I did the right thing!"  I thought to myself.  "Thou does not needeth thy knee wrap!"    Well, later I found out that my German Shepherd had picked it up and was carrying it!  I think he was saying "Thou should LAUNDER thy knee wrap."

     Well, the point of this is that, with braces, wraps, orthotics, etc.,  They put your body parts/joints, and such into positions that SOMEBODY ELSE thinks are ideal.  If you have something like this prescribed by a medical practitioner, wear it.  I'm not second guessing any body's doctor, for sure.  If you're buying things over the counter, or from a store employee whose JOB IS TO SELL YOU the device, you might want to think twice.  Your body was carefully designed and engineered over a couple of million years to heal itself, remain mobile, and function when injured.  Sometimes, at least for me, it's better to let it move the way it needs to move rather than forcing a square peg into a round hole by cinching up a brace designed to generally fit ANYBODY.

     Adjust your stride, your gait, your tempo until it doesn't hurt.  Keep moving if you can, and that incredible machine that you walk around in will likely find its way back to functionality.

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