Sunday, December 9, 2012


      The term "Simulate the Hunt" (c) is one that I came up with to describe what you really need to do when you're trying to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.  Our distant ancestors obtained their nourishment by hunting game, picking fruit from trees, gathering wild vegetables, raiding bird's nests for eggs, and the like.  All that took something that is missing in our method of getting our food today..........EFFORT.

     Ogg didn't run for hours or miles, climb trees, rummage through bushes, etc., to seize a box of doughnuts.   He (and Mrs. Ogg, who we will call.........Oggalina, by the way), caught and killed small animals, large animals if lucky, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, etc.  Essentially what was available.   They grabbed eggs when they could, climbed, etc.

     We walk into a fast food place, plunk down a couple of pieces of paper money and walk out with a bag containing 1500 calories.  We spent, probably, 10 calories walking in from the car in order to get it.  When Ogg caught and killed something, he may have been chasing it for an hour.

     In short, our bodies are the same as they were 50,000 years ago when that's how we got our food.  They're not adapted to the current onslaught of high carbohydrate, high salt, concentrated sugar content of today's foods.  Our bodies evolved over a couple of million years to live on meat and plant material.  Our society, in it's incredible explosion, particularly in the past 10,000 years, has developed much easier ways of getting food.  Our bodies have not had time to evolve to handle it, therefore we get fat, then have the health problems that go along with eating this way.

     If you keep in mind, everyday, what your body is made to do, and is expecting you to do, you can stay healthy.  Don't load it up with sugar, processed flour, butter, cheese, etc. and you'll see your weight drop and your health improve.  Get the exercise needed to burn the calories that you consume, that is, "Simulate the Hunt" (c), and your body won't keep storing fat at such a high rate.  It's a simple equation.  Food in=energy output=almost no fat storage.

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