Monday, December 3, 2012


     So much of our society is centered around the preparation, consumption, and enjoyment of food.  People celebrate with food, mourn with food, get together with food, mark nearly every occasion with food of some type.  The holidays are the worst.  There is food EVERYWHERE!  There are also people with ever-expanding waistlines EVERYWHERE.   Our society has institutionalized the consumption of food.  It is no longer nourishment.   There are clubs, associations, etc whose very existence is related to the consumption of some type of food or drink.  It wasn't always this way.

      Our distant ancestors obviously ate and drank.  The difference is, they ate what they could find or catch, and drank water.  I'm sure that Ogg enjoyed that piece of meat from the rabbit or deer that was caught.  I'm sure he enjoyed slaking his thirst by dipping cool water from a stream with his cupped hands on a hot day.  Over the millennia, however, people have begun to make food and drink the center of many social worlds.  Couple that with the lowered requirement of physical activity, and you have the recipe for, and one of the causes of. rampant obesity, heart disease, etc.

     I am not confident that is will or even CAN change at this point, but change is sorely needed.  Until we, as a society, start looking at food as NUTRITION, we will continue on our present course. Everyone has a favorite food or foods.  Let's face it, they taste good!  They leave your stomach full.   We can lay our hands on a couple of thousand kcalories on a moment's notice.  To fix this problem, the only thing you can do is
to change your whole way of looking at what you eat.  If you eat for pleasure or flavor, the problem will continue.  You need to get hold of yourself, and EAT FOR NOURISHMENT.

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