Monday, December 3, 2012


Well, that's an appetizing heading, isn't it?!   That's exactly what millions of people will do in the next three or four weeks.  At home, at work, you name it.  Lot's of happy, well-meaning people will load up themselves and their friends, neighbors and co-workers with countless plate fulls of over-sugared, high simple carbohydrate,.................CRAP!  It will TASTE GOOD.

     "Just one piece of fudge won't hurt, after all, my co-worker spent so much time, and look, they even bought a special holiday plate to display it on!   YAAAY!"  

     "Well, look, they have the Christmas special package of  FLUGAAAN HAAAS
Ice Cream!  I'll just get a gallon so we'll have a nice dessert tonight."  "I'll just eat a small bowl."

      "Honey, Marjorie next door baked the kids a plate of cookies!"  "I'll just have one."

       "Isn't this nice, my boss brought it a 3 lb. box of special Holiday chocolates with cream and nut centers!"  "I just ate a couple"

       Well, I know it tastes good, particularly if you're used to a lot of sugar, but this goes on for a month, and pretty soon, you've "just one'd" yourself up another pants or dress size.    I know this is a rant, but it's a necessary rant.  I like the taste of chocolate and ice cream and cookies and cake much as the next guy, but this stuff isn't nutritious, it's just what I started this out with........CRAP!  You eat this stuff, it tastes good, you get a sugar rush, then you crash when your poor pancreas does its job and pumps extra insulin into your bloodstream in a desperate attempt to counteract the sugar assault.  Then you feel kind of down, and drowsy, then you have another piece of fudge for "a little pick me up", and the cycle starts all over again.

      If you want to preserve your health, you've gotta get off that bus.  Our old friend, Ogg, the caveman, from whom we came, undoubtedly enjoyed it when he, by chance came across a piece of fruit that had ripened, fallen, and dried per chance.  The sugar gets more concentrated, but then we took it a step further, extracted the sugar from cane, etc., and then dumped it into nearly everything we eat.  

    It's OK to say thank you when your nice neighbor brings you that big plate of fudge.  Take it in the house and throw it in the trash, then tell your neighbor how much you appreciate her effort and the nice gift she gave your family.  She won't know the difference, and you'll have avoided a couple of thousand empty calories.

     When your co-worker brings that holiday cake into the office,  say THANKS!, and if everyone is watching expectantly, let them cut you a piece, take it back to your work area, and when nobody's looking, wrap it in that nice red & green paper napkin that they brought and put it in the trash.  That's not wasting it.  It will be gone, just as if you had eaten it, except your endocrine system won't be going into shock.  True waste is when you eat something like that.  You don't need it, it doesn't provide your body with real nutrition, and you get fat.  THAT'S WASTE!!(and waist).    



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