Thursday, December 6, 2012


I sure wish I knew the answer to this.  It seems to be rampant.  If you look around, while you are out and about, particularly at this time of year, you will see it everywhere.  In my humble opinion, it is the result of a high-carbohydrate diet, full of sugar, dairy, and flour.  The calories (kcal) are just too easy to come by.  They require no energy output to obtain, and, frankly, high salt, and high sugar foods.........TASTE GOOD!  I'll admit it.  They do.   Our manner of eating has changed to the point that the nutritional value of food is secondary (or worse) to the flavor. 

      We almost never eat just for nourishment now.  We eat for fun.  Everyone likes to have fun.  Unless YOU change that, it won't get better.  Our ancestors hunted and gathered food for sustenance.  We grab food for fun or comfort.  That's why the society is getting fatter.

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