Thursday, March 16, 2017

Questionable advice.................

Just received an email from the Veteran's Administration health website.  They have "tips" on starting a running program.  One of the first is:

2. Wear proper footwear

You might think that your flip-flops are the most comfortable shoes you own - but they are not appropriate for running. For exercising, be sure to have properly fitted athletic shoes with good arch support.

Don't think there's a lot of research going on there about minimalist/barefoot running.  Kind of makes the rest of the info on there suspect, as well!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Xero Shoes newest line, the Prio running and fitness shoes JUST went on sale.  Access the link on the right to get your pair before they run out.  I have been wearing these and they are great.  Good traction, excellent comfort, roomy toe box, reflective laces, you name it, they have it.  "Xero" drop, totally flexible, optional 2mm insoles come with them as well.  Wear with socks or without.  I have a video review up.  Scroll down to my earlier post for that link.  Take advantage of sale prices while they last!

Monday, March 6, 2017


     Doing what's best for our health, from an evolutionary perspective, isn't always easy.  So much of our whole societal infrastructure (for lack of a better term) is premised upon over-eating and sitting.  I have addressed the tendency in our society to push food upon people.  Today I want to focus more on the virtual REQUIREMENT that people sit down wherever they go.  Go to the airport, you sit. Go to a restaurant, and you SIT while you wait to be SEATED.  Go to have your car smogged.   You sit in the car, then get out and sit in the waiting room.  Go to any government office and you sit.  Go home and you sit and eat, sit and talk, sit and watch TV, sit and work on the computer.  Most people sit a lot in their jobs, as well.  In many cases, there really isn't much of a choice.  My day job, for example, is in a government building.  Most people sit, sit, sit.
      By a stroke of luck, being in the right place at the right time, I snagged a sit and stand type desk that raises and lowers.  Since getting it, I went from sitting for about 5-6 hours out of the workday to sitting for about 1-2 hours, when it is necessary.  I don't know for a fact what long-term effects this will have on my health, but I do know that our ancient ancestors very seldom had the luxury of sitting around for 6-8 hours.  I welcome the opportunity to stand for the majority of my workday. It may not be a huge change, but it is one easy, simple way to dial back the sitting.   I intend to push for these for everyone.  Granted, given our history, not everyone will want to stand throughout the day, but I hope, at least, everyone will be given the opportunity.   A treadmill desk would be even better, but don't think that will fly in this building.........................

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Hi all,

     I have had a bit of a chance to wear and run-test the newest offering from Xero, and have put up a short video review.  I am providing a link to it in this post, so please check it out.   These will be out very shortly, and you can buy a pair through the link on the right side of this page.  I plan to do a longer video review soon, as testing is underway!  Had a chance to run through the local vineyards today, and it was a great way to try out the Prios.
They proved to be really comfortable, (my preference is without socks).  One great feature of these is the HIGHLY reflective lacing.  I frequently run in the early morning darkness, and when you are on the road, this could literally be a life-saving feature.  Here is my video review:  PrimitiveHealth Xero Shoes Prio-Review

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Hi all,

     To the right you will see a link to the new Prio from Xero Shoes.  I just received a pair of these, and am currently testing them in preparation for a review.  I will post a review on their site, and also do a video review after I have put these through their paces a bit.  I have a couple of initial observations that I would like to share, as I prepare to do a thorough review;  I put these on when I received them, and noticed that the toe box felt significantly wider than the Hana's that I last reviewed.  The Prio is an all-around running, exercise, you-name-it shoe, and that toe box is proving to be one of it's best features.  I'm so far impressed with the overall quality of the shoe itself, and it has the Xero signature flexibility so that it feels like nothing on your foot.  These shoes are shaped like..............feet.  What a concept, huh?  Anyway, more to come on this as I get my full review ready.  Stay tuned................