Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yesterday, as I pulled out of the driveway, I realized at the last minute that I had forgotten my cell phone.  Although we try to live a primitive, healthy lifestyle, it seems that you are required to be, I ran back to the house.  I was, due to work requirements, wearing "regular" shoes, which are still as close to non-shoes that I can get away with.  As I ran the short distance, I realized ............I was HEEL STRIKING!  I couldn't believe it, but just having plain shoes on makes it so easy to revert to that when running.  I consciously got back up to a mid-foot strike, and I noticed that, with no additional effort, my speed increased.  I spend so much time running in Invisible Shoe huaraches that I had forgotten how quickly you can lapse back into bad running habits under the right conditions.  It was a great reminder.  We run correctly as little kids, then seem to learn bad habits as we get older.  I like running like a kid better............

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